• The Touch of a simple Smile

    A smile, that simple upward curving of the corners of the mouth, is such a powerful expression that may either make or break a person. 

    I can vividly recall my first humiliating experience as a young girl  of 9 in front of public eyes.  Mom asked me to buy fish from the market. Since I hate markets, my rebellious heart got over me that I did not notice the slippery path I was walking on. In just matter of seconds, I was sitting flat on the dirty pave, wet, messy and angry to the max. Blank faces with eyes staring was so humiliating! Except for an elderly man who had that sweet smile that seemed to say, "That's ok, little girl! Stand up, you can do it!"

    As young parents, we were at the doctor's clinic waiting for the names of our children to be called. Two of the children had the flu. They were uneasy, crying so hard, temperature high with fever and complaining. We were so fearful and helpless! Faces of strangers, moms and grandparents, staring helplessly at us having their own children at hand. Except for an elderly grandmother, who among those faces, had that smile that said, "That's ok, we understand! Just hang on!"

    From that time on, I made a promise that I will not deny my smile from strangers who needed it most...a smile that emits  understanding, encouragement and hope.

    We evolve on relationships, this is how God designed us to be. Our simple smile, as we begin the day,  is a personal declaration that amidst the challenges we are facing, we still have myriad of reasons to be thankful for and to enjoy life to the fullest. The simple smile is a powerful tool that can lift a lonely and confused heart from the quagmire of despair. and despondency.  That simple smile is the initial step in extending the space for grace for a stranger who is lost. So why deprive them that simple yet contagious smile?

    Now that we are in the "golden decade" of our lives, it is our advocacy to spread the contagious simple smile to those we meet along the way. We do this during our morning walks and are always excited to witness the surprised faces, then their smiles, in response to our smiles and greetings. We may never know what these strangers are going through, but even for a brief moment, we have extended God's love through that simple smile.     

    So, don't keep that smile to yourself! Share it my friend!



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